Canadian: Drouin will be ready for camp

Jonathan Drouin saw his 2021-22 season cut short due to surgery on his right wrist. The Quebec forward has no doubt that he will be ready for the next training camp.

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Jonathan Drouin gave the impression of being well in his skin this Saturday.

Photo Martin Alarie

Jonathan Drouin gave the impression of being well in his skin this Saturday.

“Convalescence is 8 to 12 weeks,” explained Drouin. I will be able to train before July. In a few weeks, I will be able to do exercises with my wrist. »

He seemed relaxed during his presence in front of the journalists. He seemed good about himself.

” I am very well. I have resources now and I have people supporting me. These are things I didn’t have before. Like my injury and my surgery, it’s not something I control.

“It’s not my fault if my wrist gives out during a game. »

Above all, he will apply advice that Guy Lafleur has mentioned to him on several occasions.

“It always came down to the same thing with Guy. He always told me that it’s a game and that I should have fun playing hockey. »

things to prove

When analyzing Drouin’s campaign, one important thing should be remembered. He only played two games under Martin St-Louis, after the latter was appointed head coach.

“It’s definitely disappointing. In addition, I played these two games with a wrist in poor condition, he explained. We then decided to do another operation. »

He knows very well that he will have things to prove at the next training camp.

“The team is going in the right direction with new people in place and young players. I want to prove that I still have my place and that I can still be part of the team.

“With the hindsight I took last year, I feel even more comfortable in Montreal. Whether it’s the injuries or the media, those are things I can’t control. I am better equipped than I was in the past. »

He likes the approach of Martin St-Louis, who wants his players to use their instincts on the ice.

“I can’t wait to get into this. It’s one of the first things [dont] he spoke during his first meeting with us. For him, it’s important to use his talent and his intelligence from the red line. »

Achievable goal

Injuries have slowed Drouin over the past three seasons. He only played a total of 105 games. He hopes the sequel will be more fruitful.

“It wasn’t easy because you’re not really with the team. You do not participate in all team meetings. You don’t travel with your teammates and you don’t play matches.

“Next year, I have set myself the goal of playing 82 games. I know that hasn’t happened often in my career. »

If Drouin is able to come back in good shape, he could take the pressure off the shoulders of players like Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield.

Above all, he could allow St-Louis to have two lines that can generate offense on a regular basis. It would be a step forward.

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