Canada’s fossil fuel industry to participate in three events at COP27

The calendar of events taking place in the Canada pavilion at this UN climate conference (COP27) includes a total of three meetings involving representatives of the fossil fuel industry. A situation that environmental groups deplore, because of the leading role played by this industry in the disruption of the global climate.

The duty explained Wednesday that the Trudeau government has invited the oil sands industry to hold an event this Friday at the Canada pavilion at COP27. As part of a thematic day devoted to “decarbonization”, six oil companies representing 95% of Canadian production are organizing a “panel” entitled “Collaborating to find solutions for the oil sands”.

The activity will directly serve to promote the climate efforts of these companies, which exploit one of the most polluting oils on the planet. They estimate that they will be able to “achieve carbon neutrality” by 2050.


The program of activities for the Canada pavilion at this conference dedicated to climate negotiations also includes two other events that involve players from the oil and gas industry.

This Thursday, as part of a thematic day “science and youth”, a round table entitled “Energy resources beyond combustion” is on the schedule. It is organized by the federal department Natural Resources Canada.

“This event will showcase Canadian expertise in diversifying the oil and gas value chain towards a carbon neutral future as the demand for oil and gas in the global circular economy shifts from combustibles to non-emitting energy sources,” reads the wording of the event.

A presentation of Alberta Innovates’ “Bitumen Beyond Combustion” project is planned. This organization includes members of the oil and gas industry and the project which will be presented at COP27 has been designed to assess the “potential” of using oil from the oil sands in products that are not directly related to the ” combustion” of this oil.

Among the “speakers” are a representative from Alberta Innovates, one from the American company Dow, a representative from Natural Resources Canada and one from ATCO. The latter company is a partner of the oil company Suncor, active in the exploitation of bituminous sands, within the framework of a project for the production of “blue” hydrogen from fossil fuels.

This hydrogen resulting from the use of fossil fuels could be used in an Alberta refinery of Suncor or be injected into the gas network. According to the two companies, such a project is part of the objective of achieving “carbon neutrality” by 2050.


In addition, on November 15, a “session” organized by the Alberta government is entitled “Partnerships between governments, industry and NGOs to reduce methane emissions”. This powerful GHG is emitted during the production of oil and natural gas, and in particular by the exploitation of gas thanks to fracturing (shale gas and gas from tight reservoirs).

“Discussion participants representing provincial and federal governments, as well as businesses and NGOs across Canada, will provide insight into their historical and current collaborative approaches and successes in reducing methane emissions in the petroleum sectors. and gas, agriculture and waste/wastewater,” the event description reads.

Among the participants is a representative of Cenovus Energy, a company active in the exploitation of oil from the oil sands.


For Greenpeace Canada’s climate campaign manager, Patrick Bonin, inviting representatives of the fossil fuel industry is part of the “greenwashing” discourse of companies in the sector.

“If it were serious about the climate crisis, instead of rolling out the red carpet to the oil companies and handing them the microphone, Canada would immediately stop paying them billions in subsidies, impose a surcharge on their superprofits and set targets reductions in their GHG emissions that are much more restrictive than what it is currently proposing”, he argues.

“Canada is thumbing its nose at the millions of people who are fighting to make their voices heard as they are hit by extreme weather events for which the oil industry is largely responsible,” added Mr. Bonin. .

In the office of the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, on the contrary, it is believed that representatives of the oil industry have their place in the discussions taking place at COP27. “We need to work together to reduce our emissions. Without the full participation of all industries, we won’t get there. We must all do our part, ”we emphasize in a written response.

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