Canada was hot against Germany

Junior Team Canada almost escaped against Germany on Sunday at the World Junior Hockey Championship in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Alan Letang’s team won 6-3, but the score was tied 3-3 in the third period until forward Jordan Dumais scored on the power play. Then Macklin Celebrini, with his second goal of the duel, nailed the coffin of the Germans during a bad exit from goalkeeper Matthias Bittner at the end of the match.

The first three Canadian goals were scored by Celebrini, Brayden Yager and Owen Beck, in order, with Easton Cowan completing the scoring into an empty net.

The German response came from the sticks of Julian Lutz, Roman Kechter and Julius Sumpf.

In front of the Canadian net, Quebecer Mathis Rousseau stopped 17 shots while German goaltender Bittner made 29 saves.

In the quarter-finals next Tuesday, Letang’s men will face the Czech Republic.

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