Every day, the correspondents’ club describes how the same current event is illustrated in two countries.
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Unicef estimates that 160 million children worldwide are forced to work. The correspondents’ club is interested in the situation of these children in developed countries. In Canada, no legislation exists, for the moment, to regulate the work of minors, while in Italy, the figures of an NGO are worrying.
A bill under consideration in Canada
Unlike many other countries, Canada does not have legislation to regulate the work of young people under 18 years of age. No more than Quebec, which even allows the employment of minors under the age of 14. However, a bill is currently under consideration. According to a recent survey, a third of 12-16 year olds currently hold a part-time job in Quebec. They are often found at the checkout in fast food restaurants, placing goods on the shelves at the supermarket, or in garden centers. This is a particularly important phenomenon in certain regions of Quebec where the unemployment rate is close to 2%.
Worrying figures in Italy
In Italy, there are no official figures but worrying estimates. The NGO Save The Children Italia conducted the survey and came to the conclusion that one in fifteen children under 16 works or has worked illegally until the age of 16. This makes 336,000 children and adolescents between 7 and 15 years old. Nearly 30% of teens surveyed who worked in the past year did so every day. They work in restaurants first, then in retail, in the countryside in the agricultural sector and, which is quite new, online work, social networks, video games. In half of the cases it is the parents who have found work for their children, more than half also work to have money while a third do it to help their parents, the family. Some 38.5% of these young people claim to work for pleasure.