Canada wants Russia expelled from G20

Like the United States, Ottawa wants to expel Russia from the G20, a group made up of countries with the most developed economies, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed on Thursday.

“It makes no sense to have a discussion about global economic growth when the country responsible for a lot of the upheaval is sitting around the table pretending to contribute,” he said as he entered. question period on Thursday in Ottawa.

According to Mr. Trudeau, the member countries of the G20 must have “a discussion” on the expulsion of Russia, whether on a permanent basis, or at least for the next meeting.

“I can’t see how there are leaders like me who can sit around the same table as Vladimir Putin to pretend that everything is fine,” he said.

President Putin has demonstrated “a complete lack of respect for international law and order, the well-being and sovereignty of other countries”, he added.

US President Joe Biden gave a similar speech last week in Brussels following a series of urgent NATO meetings over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mr Biden said he raised the issue with other world leaders and explained that he would prefer that Russia be removed from the group, but if Indonesia or other countries did not agree, he would ask that Ukrainian leaders be allowed to participate in conversations.

With the Associated Press

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