Canada-US border | New rules for dogs abandoned

Most of the new requirements that would have been required of dog owners wishing to cross the border have ultimately been dropped by US authorities.

They announced in May that dogs wanting to enter the United States would have to be over six months old and microchipped, starting on May august.

Owners would also have to fill out several forms, depending on the dog’s rabies vaccination status and whether it had traveled elsewhere. These new measures were intended to prevent canine rabies in the United States.

Owners would also have to provide several forms, some of which would have to be completed by a veterinarian, depending on the dog’s rabies vaccination status and whether it had traveled elsewhere.

However, the American authorities have decided to cancel this new regulation for dogs coming from countries where this risk is low.

As of 1er August, dogs will only need to be over six months old, microchipped and have lived for the last six months in a country where the risk of canine rabies is low or zero (such as Canada) before crossing the border.

A short form will also need to be filled out by the dog’s owner before going through customs, but it will be valid for six months and for multiple entries into the United States, unless the dog has visited a high-risk country for canine rabies in the meantime.

With information from The Canadian Press and Chloé Bourquin, The Press

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