Posted at 11:00 a.m.
Q. What did you talk about?
Katherine Calvin: We wanted to talk about our climate science collaboration, and the data that NASA has.
Sarah Gallagher: We have a lot of collaborative projects. We will receive an asteroid sample next year from a NASA mission. We contributed to the SWOT satellite [Topographie des eaux de surface et des océans], which will be launched next fall. And we are working on the Canadarm3 for the Gateway lunar station.

Sarah Gallagher and Katherine Calvin
What is the advantage of SWOT?
KC: It’s a collaboration between NASA and France, with British and Canadian contributions. It will for the first time measure the quantity of water in rivers and lakes, for the moment evaluated with gauges in the field. It is important for energy and agriculture. It will also measure the absorption of heat and carbon by the oceans.

Artist’s impression of the SWOT satellite
Where will the asteroid sample be stored?
SG: A CSA laser instrument enabled the probe OSIRIS-REx to take a sample from the asteroid Benu in 2020. We will have part of this sample. We are in the process of determining where it will be stored, possibly at our headquarters in Saint-Hubert.

Artist’s impression of the James Webb Telescope
Another important Canadian-American collaboration is the space telescope James Webb.
KC: Even though I’m not an astrophysicist, at Christmas I still got up early to see the launch.
SG: The first scientific images will be unveiled on July 12. Many of my colleagues blocked out the next two weeks to work on it. Until now, we only had technical images to confirm that the instruments are working properly. I expect the July 12 images to be diverse in showing the telescope’s capabilities.
Outside the field of astrophysics, what are the concrete benefits of space exploration?
SG: Our technology development program in space medicine, for example, aims in particular to keep the astronauts on board the Gateway station healthy. In Earth orbit, an astronaut can be brought back to Earth in a few hours. But on the Moon, it takes several days. Telemedicine is very useful for remote areas in Canada.
KC: We’re trying to grow agricultural crops on the International Space Station. There are already terrestrial applications of this program, such as LED lights for indoor farming and technology for applying fertilizers near the roots to use less.
SG: We also have an indoor container farming program in Nunavut, the Naurvik project. Technicians from the region have been trained to deal with it.

The Naurvik Experience in Nunavut
What other missions are in preparation?
KC: The next satellite observing system will provide a 3D image of the atmosphere by the end of the decade.
SG: The CSA will provide three instruments for this system, two that will look at the edge of the atmosphere and one that will look down. They will capture all particles like ice and aerosols. These are the biggest uncertainties about Earth’s warming and cooling.
Will Gateway be used to build a rocket to Mars?
SG: We study the resources of the Moon. Water is very heavy, if you can take it on the Moon, you save launch costs. It is also possible to use lunar materials to build structures. Lunar machining experiments are planned.
Do you think your appointments will have an impact on women’s access to scientific careers? Have you experienced obstacles as women in your career?
SG: I am the first person to hold this position. The obstacles have been subtle. For example, sometimes I am asked if I am a doctoral student or an assistant. When I’m the only woman in a meeting, I feel a responsibility to be excellent.
KC: We also met with Canada’s Chief Scientist, Mona Nemer. In my case, there had already been a woman in the position I hold. At the beginning of my career, it happened more often that I was the only woman in a meeting. It’s a good thing that’s not the case anymore.
Will a Canadian walk on the moon?
SG: It’s a reasonable expectation. We are Gateway partners and our astronauts will be going there.
Do you expect to see a manned mission to Mars before you retire?
KC: We will do more and more complex missions on the Moon and from the Moon.
SG: Many difficult issues need to be resolved, including the long-term impact of radiation on astronauts. I would say: maybe.
Learn more
- 5%
- Proportion of Canadian institutions observing time at the James Webb Space Telescope in 24 years
Sources: NASA and Canadian Space Agency
- US$9.6 billion
- Expected cost of the James Webb Space Telescope, including running costs
Sources: NASA and Canadian Space Agency