Canada accused of failing Jordan’s Principle for indigenous children

The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society will argue before the Human Rights Tribunal on Friday that Canada is failing to keep its promise of timely access to health care for Indigenous children.

Jordan’s Principle is a legal rule that guarantees First Nations children access to health care, social and educational supports when they need them, before any possible questions about who should be entitled to them are resolved. pay for these services.

The organization will submit an affidavit to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on Friday after filing a non-compliance motion against the federal government for failing to timely address Jordan’s Principle claims.

The organization will argue that this means children are denied the support they need or those providing services are not paid.

The Caring Society’s executive director, Cindy Blackstock, says the situation has become so dire that the organization has started paying the costs itself.

She claims that children are being denied medical treatment that could save their lives, including children in palliative care.

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