can we better punish the perpetrators?



France 2

Article written by

A.Lay, A.Gaucher, O.Siou, E.Delevoye, A.Lo Cascio, Y. Kadouch – France 2

France Televisions

While a national day was devoted to the scourge of school bullying, Thursday, November 18, the President of the Republic notably announced the launch of an application to denounce the facts.

After two years of bullying at school, 14-year-old Dinah took her own life last October. She had told her mother about the teasing she suffered and her stalkers had been summoned, to no avail. Today, her family announces that they are filing a complaint against X and against the college. In France, each year, for 1,000 secondary school students, twelve serious incidents are recorded per year and in one out of four cases, it is bullying at school.

The perpetrators of school harassment risk a disciplinary council, a temporary or definitive exclusion, until the lodging of a complaint. From the age of 13, stalkers face a fine and three years’ imprisonment. Despite these sanctions, one in ten children is the victim of bullying at school. The associations point out in particular the lack of competent interlocutors in schools.

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