Can the Landes beaches lose their cabins?

The 2019 government decree reinforces the protection of remarkable sites. A remarkable site is a protected environmental heritage area and defined by the municipalities and intermunicipalities. Beach concessions are then subject to very strict rules concerning their location, but are also subject to other technical constraints.

But what is a beach concession?

The beaches belonging to the French public domain, the State can however concede a stretch of beach to an individual. The dealer is then authorized to use this plot to meet public seaside needs only. That is to say, catering services, rental of sports equipment, surf schools…

These beach concessions may in no way hinder the free use of the beaches, damage the environment in which the dealership is located. The beach concession has a limited duration of twelve years.

What future for the Landes huts?

The deputy of the Landes, Lionel Causse, wants to be rather reassuring about the future of the Landes huts .

For years, we have had beach huts on our Landes coasts

No particular concern on the part of the deputy. Lionel Causse tries to validate these conditions with the State. The purpose of this future exchange: leave the choice to the municipalities, wishing to install more huts, to designate which area could be classified as remarkable or not.

More nuanced feeling on the side of the French Surfing Federation. The president, Jacques Lajuncomme, does not share the same opinion as the government. Respect for the coastline, drowning preventionfor him, the surf concessions, present all along the coast, are vital, both for tourism and for the employability of the region:

There are monitor jobs, school operators behind it. You have to take all of that into consideration! If we want surf schools in precarious conditions, let’s get rid of the cabins!

Lionel Causse will make an appointment very soon with Madame Elisabeth Borne’s office to plead the cause of the Landes concessions.

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