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The government has announced the obligation, for companies that can, to spend at least three days of teleworking. But can the measure be imposed on them? Response with Anne Sylvain, live for France 3.
It is the first time that Jean Castex uses the word of“obligation”, to talk about teleworking, underlines Anne Sylvain, live from the Ministry of Labor (Paris) for France 3, Tuesday, December 28. “This is a very strong message sent to companies and social partners”, specifies the journalist. However, it will be difficult for the government to put in place a real obligation. “We should pass a law that could be deemed unconstitutional for interference in the life of companies.”
The Ministry of Labor also wants to increase controls in companies, with more sanctions. “Science fiction, some unions tell us with the steady decline of labor inspectors”, indicates Anne Sylvain. In the spring, 78% of private sector employees were teleworking, against 58% at the end of December.