can the European Union really exert its influence to prevent the extension of the conflict in the Middle East?

The Hamas attack, launched on Saturday, left hundreds dead on both sides. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, called an emergency meeting on Tuesday to discuss the situation in Israel and Gaza.

Three days after the Hamas attack on Saturday October 7, the fighting intensified and Israel continued to respond by bombing the Gaza Strip. In this context, what can the international community do to try to bring peace?

For now, not much. The UN Security Council met urgently on Sunday but was unable to adopt a joint resolution. Notably because Russia refused to clearly condemn the terrorist actions of Hamas.

EU to review European aid to Palestinians

Tuesday, October 10, it is the turn of the foreign ministers of the European Union to meet. Certainly, the EU has unambiguously condemned the Hamas attacks and expressed its solidarity with Israel. But the agenda is quite modest. For the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrel, it is a matter of“evaluate the answers” that the EU can bring to the situation. The Brussels commission will also review European aid to the Palestinians, 1.2 billion euros between 2021 and 2024, to ensure that these funds have not been diverted to finance Hamas’ terrorist actions. But beyond that, the European Union has little hope of influencing, in the immediate future, the sequence of events.

>> Hamas attack: Germany, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom “will support Israel’s efforts to defend itself”

A terrible face-to-face encounter, which promises to last, has taken place. The Hamas aggression triggered “a war” which risks being “long and difficult” according to the expression of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Since Saturday, Israel has tragically become aware of its vulnerability and has therefore engaged in a merciless response to eliminate Hamas. In this context, mediations are, for the moment, doomed to failure. And the voices of the international community who advocate a ceasefire will be preaching in the desert for some time to come…

France first intends to consolidate a common European position

For now, France’s voice will not carry much more weight. The Élysée first intends to consolidate a common European position. Reason why Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz agreed before meeting Monday evening with Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak. But even before seeing the necessary incantations for peace come to fruition, France has at least three other priorities. First, find the trace of our 14 nationals who disappeared in Israel, and probably, for some, kidnapped by Hamas. Then, avoid the extension of the conflict in the region, with the involvement of certain neighboring countries, starting with Iran which firmly supports Hamas. And then, as with every crisis in the Middle East, avoid importing the consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict onto the national territory.

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