Will the Toulouse garbage collectors’ strike end? Or, on the contrary, will the movement harden? We should know more at the end of the meeting scheduled between the garbage collectors and Toulouse Métropole this Wednesday, January 5 at 2 p.m. LThe movement has entered its third week and garbage is piling up in some neighborhoods.
A block on the number of days to compensate for the “finished job” and the arduousness
The garbage collectors have validated the end of the “finished party” which allowed them to return home once their tour is over. But they ask for 34 days of compensation per year. According to the unions, Toulouse Métropole would only offer them two. The ball is therefore in the court of elected officials for Nicolas Refutin, secretary of the Force Ouvrière union for Toulouse Métropole agents: “With the end of ‘finished-gone’, working time will increase by about two hours per day and by garbage collector. In return, we are asking for a sufficiently strong right to leave to make up for this increase in daily working time. Our colleagues from the “Allô Toulouse” telephone platform were entitled to recognition of the arduousness up to four days of leave per year. For jobs related to the municipal police, it is up to eleven days. _Garbage collectors work every day, whatever the weather or the sanitary context_. They start at 5 a.m., work nights, carry heavy loads and are always on the public road at times when it can be dangerous. These are data that allow us to judge the arduous nature of the job. “
– Claudia Calmel
Toulousans shared on the movement
For Valentin, who lives near Boulevard de l’Embouchure, the movement of garbage collectors has lasted too long: “Personally, I don’t understand. It’s getting dirty. It can’t go on like this. “ Marie is more nuanced: “I hope that the town hall will react quickly, it starts to get painful. _But I don’t blame the garbage collectors_, they have a difficult job that is socially poorly regarded. When we see how dirty the streets are, it makes us realize the importance of their work. “
Gérard, revache, supports the strikers: “They defend their rights. With the finished party, some garbage collectors had two jobs : they could find a little job in the afternoon. They’re going to lose it all. When you put a privilege in place, if you remove it, you have to compensate for it. Their job is dangerous, it’s dirty, it’s risky: _I fully understand them._“