Can Elisabeth Borne stay at Matignon? “She has my confidence” indicates the Isère Elodie Jacquier-Laforge

Can Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne stay in office? The question arises, after the severe defeat of the presidential majority in the second round of the legislative elections, Sunday, June 19. La France Insoumise has announced that it will table a motion of censure on July 5th. For her part, the Iséroise deputy Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (Modem), re-elected in the ninth district (voiron-Saint-Marcellin) still gives her her confidence.

“In my opinion, she must remain in office, present her declaration of general policy, and it will be up to the Assembly as a whole to decide whether or not confidence is granted to her. In any case, she has all my confidence in this stadium”, specifies Elodie Jacquier-Laforge at the microphone of France Bleu Isère.

Institutionally, the government and the Prime Minister will have to present a declaration of general policy. And it is by this vote that the Assembly gives its confidence to the government“, recalls the re-elected MP. “I believe that in the troubled times in which we find ourselves, we see the strength of our institutions, of this fifth Republic, its solidity. And I believe that we must respect this Constitution and move forward according to the rules that have been set“.

The place of women is declining in the National Assembly – “We see that things are never won”

The new National Assembly will have 215 women (37.26%) and 362 men (62.74%), i.e. a less feminized hemicycle than that resulting from the 2017 legislative elections (39%). “This is a question that is very dear to me, I can see that things are never won. There had been progress. But we see that in times of uncertainty, progress can be called into question. It’s obviously a disappointment.“, deplores the Modem deputy from Isère.

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