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Can the broken dialogue between the government and the unions be renewed? Response elements.
The dialogue around the pension reform is on hold between the executive and the unions. FO do “do not see how (…) to reconnect with this government”, while the CGT calls for general mobilization on April 20 and 28. At the invitation launched by Emmanuel Macron to meet them on Tuesday, the unions collectively answered no. The boss of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, does not believe in the desire for consultation of the President of the Republic.
A past political sequence for the executive?
According to him, the pension reform is a political sequence already passed for the executive. The Minister of Labor responded with metaphor on the morning of Sunday April 16, in the Grand rendez-vous d’Europe 1/CNews/Les Échos: “Do you like to read? When you turn a page, you haven’t forgotten the previous page.” The next big file to come will be that of the Labor law. The government says it is determined to accelerate the pace of reform. The inter-union will meet on its side Monday evening to decide on the follow-up to be given to the movement.