Can Beyfortus end bronchiolitis?


Video duration:
3 mins


Beyfortus is a new preventive treatment to combat the bronchiolitis epidemic, which affects thousands of infants each year. Emergency doctor Gérald Kierzek, guest of 12/13 info, gives his insight into what this medication will change.

200,000 doses of Beyfortus, a new drug against bronchiolitis, have already been ordered. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor, recalls that these are “infants born after February 2023” who are concerned, that is to say children who risk being the target of the virus and contracting a serious form. “These children must not have been exposed to this virus last year because they would have already produced antibodies”specifies the doctor.

Reduce the number of cases

Is this drug enough to end the epidemic? “The objective is to reduce the number of cases, we never have 100% effectiveness”, explains Gérald Kierzek. The idea is to be able to anticipate in order to avoid saturation of emergency and intensive care services, especially as the period of the epidemic widens and also affects adults. “This virus circulates and can contaminate vulnerable people such as pregnant women and the elderly, who can have bronchitis and forms of bronchiolitis”, specifies Gérald Kierzek. A vaccine intended for these people is in the process of being authorized in the United States.

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