Camille Schneiderlin (Koh-Lanta): A man breaks into his children’s room, chilling story

Camille Schneiderlin had the fear of his life, on the evening of January 26, 2022. The former candidate of Koh Lanta (2012) saw an intruder break into her house, a misadventure she told her Instagram story subscribers.

Many personalities have a bad surprise when they return home. We think in particular of Nabilla Benattia who was robbed on her wedding day, in Chantilly, last July. And last night, it was Camille Schneiderlin’s turn to have a big fright.

A man entered our house through a window. We were very scared but more fear than harm. Frankly, people are ready for anything, it’s incredible. Luckily there is always someone with us at home. We were even several at that time, but some are not afraid of anything“, first entrusted the wife of Morgan Schneiderlin.

She then clarified that she did not intend to spread out on social networks by posting videos or going into details, even if she has the “hatred“.”The guy came in through Maé’s bedroom window (who was not in his room but with me in the playroom), then entered Keira’s room who was sleeping. It chills my blood. That’s when we caught him. Finally that those present have seen it“, has all the same written the young woman of 28 years.

Fortunately, Maé (3 years old) did not understand what was happening. His dad therefore made the story more beautiful so that he would not be traumatized by this intrusion. “Morgan is the best daddy in the world. He told Maé that the gentleman had taken the wrong house because it looked a lot like ours and that we had to call the gendarmes to help him find his house. Suddenly Maé was very happy to see the gendarmes“, concluded Camille Schneiderlin.

All’s well that ends well therefore for the lovebirds and their children. But we imagine that after this misadventure, they will take certain measures so that it does not happen again.

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