Camille Lou transformed: her new look divides her fans

I love“, commented Joy Esther, ex-actress of the series. Our dear neighbors. “It suits you well, the cut and the color I like but I prefer the blond, it is for a new role?“asks another subscriber.”Hello Camille you are sublime but I prefer you as a blonde with your hair up“, launches a third. One of his followers concludes: “Brunette or blonde … when you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful“.

What does Camille’s companion, Romain Laulhe think? The surfer has not commented on his sweetheart’s selfie. They formalized their relationship in November 2020. Asked by the magazine TV-Leisure, Camille recounted the circumstances of their first meeting.

My character [dans la série J’ai menti, où elle interprète le rôle d’Audrey, une avocate ayant subi une agression à l’adolescence, NDLR] is a surfer. I had never surfed. They found me a surf teacher … and the man of my life“, she had fun with our colleagues.

Near TV 7 Days, she specified: “I took my very first surf lesson in the Basque Country, in Anglet. It was my lover, Romain, who gave it to me. This is how we discovered and tamed each other. We can say that, on that day, our planets were well aligned. I don’t believe in chance: I knew I would meet someone. But not that it would be while surfing, in the middle of winter, on the Basque coast! Nor that this person would be a former professional surfer.

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