Camille Lellouche’s discomfort with Laurent Ruquier in “On est en direct”

After her painful testimony in “Sept à Huit” last week, about the domestic violence she suffered, Camille Lellouche is once again in the news. This Saturday, December 11, 2021, the singer and humorist was indeed present on the set of the show “On est en direct” on France 2. The former candidate of “The Voice” was questioned by Léa Salamé about this moving testimony before going on stage to interpret his new title entitled “You where”.
The viewers were then able to discover the stage plunged in the dark then the light to arrive on the singer… who seemed disconcerted. Camille Lellouche then hastens to interrupt the production by throwing: “Excuse me, we are direct but there is no sound!“. Used to the young woman kidding and joking all the time, the whole team then burst out laughing, thinking that she is joking as always. So, I don’t mind laughing for two minutes, but I have no sound! So we’re live, eh Laurent!“.”But yes we are live!“retorts the singer then seeking to be taken seriously.”Come on, aren’t you going to pretend?“then retorts Laurent Ruquier before adding:”It is 12:30 a.m. and in these cases the announcer says: ‘We apologize for this momentary interruption in the sound’“.

Faced with the little discomfort that was taking hold, Léa Salamé then came to the aid of the singer and the presenter by asking: “And there it returned the sound?“. To which Camille Lellouche, a little stressed, replied:”Well yes he came back, but I needed it, I couldn’t without …“.
To reassure the pretty brunette, Laurent Ruquier then took a great initiative: “Come on, we’ll cheer you on again! Camille Lellouche!“. Always very teasing, the latter then launched:”No no, I’m fine… Thank you!“. Atmosphere !

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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