Camille Lellouche pregnant: hesitation on the baby’s first name, she does not agree with the dad!

Since the announcement of her pregnancy last May, her fans have been waiting for only one piece of information: what does Camille Lellouche plan to name her little girl? Supposed to give birth at the start of the school year, the comedian and actress gave more details on this subject on Instagram this Monday, during a question and answer moment with her subscribers. And as much to say that we will still have to wait a little…

Indeed, when someone asked her what she intended to call her little wonder, Camille Lellouche was very frank: with her companion, who “wishes to remain discreet“… they always hesitate between two first names ! A detail that will have to be settled in the next two months, since the girl is expected to arrive in Octoberas she revealed to another of her fans.

In any case, she assured the curious that she would reveal to them at birth the first name of her little girl, whose face she wants to keep secret in any case, just as she avoids showing the man who shares her life or even to give his first name. In any case, for the moment, she “already likes“according to what she explained, despite her”14 pounds of love“taken during pregnancy…

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