Camille Lellouche pregnant: “a whale”, “exploded”, she breaks the silence about her pregnancy!

This is the news that has marked internet users this week, Camille Lellouche is pregnant. At 35, the young comedian, revealed in the tele-hook The Voice expecting her first childas she announced herself on Instagram, May 17, 2022. It is with a tender photo of her baby bump that the actress and singer has confirmed her happiness to soon be a mother. While all his fans are racing around his intriguing sentimental situation, wondering who could well be the happy dad, Camille Lellouche is now breaking the silence on his state of health, this Friday, May 20, 2022.

After having evoked, in tears, her happiness to soon become the mother of a little girl to her community, the artist delivers without taboo on the inconveniences of pregnancy. Especially fatigue. “I’m in great shape, wrong! I’m exhausted“, she confides full of humor in video in story.Dead“, “exploded“, the mother-to-be multiplies the terms to evoke her condition. Then, let’s now talk about weight gain. “We are on a nice mass gainshe lets go in front of the camera. I would not speak of weight, I would speak of mass!” “It’s all we love just before summer“, she quips. “There are choices in life to be made and when you want a child you gain weight, hums the artist to his fans. you become a whale !

She nevertheless confides that she is living “the best moments of his life“and look forward to”what” is born. A little girl greatly desired by the artist, according to her impatience and her state of happiness despite the inconveniences of pregnancy. The opportunity also for Camille Lellouche to once again reveal her belly which is rounding, and which is already quite visible since she waited five months before revealing it to the public.”I’ll be back in 10 kilos, that is to say tomorrow“, she jokes. Then, as already done before, she does not fail to thank her subscribers for their precious support and their sweet messages. Before reposting the photo of her baby bumpwhich seems to delight her, despite this weight gain.

Is Camille Lellouche in a relationship?

What intrigues his fans is his sentimental situation. Is the artist in a relationship? It must be said that Camille Lellouche has always been more discreet on the issue. If a video of her alongside Rayane Bensetti, where she made rather equivocal remarks, and where we could see a kiss exchanged, had launched a rumor about a possible relationship between her and the comedian, nothing has ever been confirmed about it. In November 2021, it is the first time that she breaks the silence on her private life by testifying domestic violence, of which she was a victim with her first love. “I was constantly wanting to vomit. I went from 52 kilos to 40 in two months. I was very very very skinny. I have become a shadow“, had made known the singer. A sequence heavy in emotions.

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