Camille Lellouche: Hilarious video with her daughter Alma who makes her live a nightmare

Mom’s life isn’t always easy… and Camille Lellouche realizes that right now! Since the birth of her first daughter, an adorable little Alma born on October 9, the comedian indeed lives all the little trials that the majority of young parents experience : dirty diapers, difficult nights… nothing is spared him by his little princess! Transparent, she also confided in her experience with her subscribers.

But as always with her, no question of complaining: the comedian prefers to laugh about it and explain directly with the main interested in story on Instagram. This Tuesday, without ever filming the face of the little girl, the young woman therefore expressed all her requests to him. “I had a special request: at half past three, four o’clock, when I change you when you poop, could you avoid doing it to me in four or five times so that when I take off the diaper, I don’t have a geyser of shit in my face, my hand, my foot, the carpet?“, she asks with humor, while we hear in the background the little girl chirping.

Well, yes, laugh“, she then interrupts herself, apparently gaga for her adorable Alma (whose dad remains a secret) despite their nocturnal adventures. “She smiles at me, I eat her“, she continues. And to follow up on her second request, which concerns her dark circles: “Could you get some sleep at night? Like seven seconds. At night, could I sleep for two hours straight? Because you know, mum, she doesn’t have maternity leave, she has a lot of work, so she would like to be in good shape on stage… Well yes, laugh again… So you don’t give a fuck, I I understood“, jokes the one who nicknamed her daughter “the boss“.

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