Camille Lellouche as a couple: we know more about her companion and father of her baby…

Camille Lellouche will very soon be the mother of a little girl, who will be her first child. She announced the news on May 17, receiving many messages of congratulations, in particular from several personalities such as singer Clara Luciani, chef Cyril Lignac or comedian Hugo Gélin. The actress of Turkey is on the other hand very discreet about the identity of the dad.

But this Thursday, September 1, she told her Instagram followers that she had just had her last official ultrasound before giving birth and that she was able to see the physical resemblance between her baby and the father. “She looks a lot like her dad, who is sublime (…) I’m very happy because I dreamed that she had her mouth because he has a very beautiful mouth” she told her community.

“Looks like the Hulk”

Recently, she made a rare confidence about her lover, still on the social network: “The dad is a discreet man, who wishes to remain discreet in the most total discretion.” she explained, before implying that she is very fulfilled in her relationship. “I’m with someone amazing. Frankly, I couldn’t ask for more. He does the cleaning, he tidies up, he makes the meals… He takes good care of me, he takes care of everything” she said. She also spoke about it during the Marrakech du Rire in June.

They will therefore take a new step in their relationship by welcoming their first child together. The comedian is obviously very impatient, even if she has to face the disadvantages of pregnancy since she revealed to her subscribers this Thursday that she had hyperpigmentation of the skin, characterized by brown or grayish spots on the level of the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks and above the lips. A very common problem in pregnant women which is called “pregnancy mask“.”Looks like Hulk” she laughed.

A little embarrassment which is nothing next to the excitement that reigns within the couple. On August 2, thShe showed her subscribers her baby’s room, revealing at the same time her new purchases for the infant.

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