Camille Lacourt “sick for 15 days”: a star swings on her bad experience in Fort Boyard

Each year, it is one of the essentials of the summer. Just like the Tour de France, Fort Boyard comes back when the good weather arrives and it’s an opportunity to see the stars struggle in events all more complicated than the others. This Saturday, the show should be interesting since we will see the former French swimming star, the handsome Camille Lacourt. Alice Detollenaere’s companion certainly had to perform in the physical tests, but one of them was obviously much more difficult…

At his side to bring down the boyars, he can count on the presence ofElie Semoun. A great first for the 58-year-old comedian and actor, who had never before participated in the France 2 show. “It’s a highly family program that appeals to children”, he justifies in an interview with Télépro. But the one who will be on the poster of the fourth opus of the adventures of Student Ducobu also made some secrets about Camille Lacourt, chosen for a test where he had to eat a food that did not really work for him. “Camille was sick for 15 days after eating a super hot pepper during the show”he reveals.

Elie Semoun ‘almost died’ during the show!

Visibly marked by this terrible ordeal, Camille Lacourt therefore spent very bad weeks after the show. I have to say that Fort Boyard can be very dangerous at times and Elie Semoun ensures that he has “almost died” during filming. “They put me on a bar, you know the iron firefighter stuff. I had a little crossbar to hang on to (…) They made me go 20 meters above the ground and then afterwards, I had to do a loop. While I was back, I had to see a number, give it”says the great friend of Franck Dubosc.

If he has not yet expressed himself on this story, Camille Lacourt will certainly remember his passage in Fort Boyard for quite a while!

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