Camille Lacourt evokes for the first time George Yates, the darling of his ex-wife Valérie Bègue

The blended family of Camille Lacourt, Alice Detollenaere, Valérie Bègue and George Yates is a bit like the cult series 7 at home. Everything seems to be tenderness, laughter and love. But what is the athlete’s secret to having achieved this feat? Interviewed by TV StarCamille Lacourt revealed how he managed to create true harmony within his family.

It’s a lot of workfrom many people he explains. Because it requires listening and understanding the other’s point of view. So that’s something we’re proud of. We tend to put ourselves forward a lot, Alice and I, but Jazz’s mother (the daughter he had with ex-Miss France Valérie Bègue, editor’s note) and his father-in-law are also very present. We are a whole team around her !

As a couple from 2010 to 2016, Valérie Bègue had married Camille Lacourt on August 8, 2013 and had given birth to a little girl Jazz in October 2012 (her godmother is also the ex-Miss France Alexandra Rosenfeld). Divorced with Valérie, Camille Lacourt has now rebuilt his life with the model Alice Detollenaere with whom he had a son Marius born on June 1, 2021.

Far from the Machiavellian image of mothers-in-law in fairy tales, the athlete’s new darling is very caring and loving with her stepdaughter. Interviewed by journalists from Paris Match in 2020, she revealed that she was keen to forge a very strong relationship with Jazz: “Jazz and I quickly created a great bond. I make her up, we paint… Even if this love will never be as high as the one she has for her mother, I know that we love each other“.

For her part, Camille confided that she had completely mourned her marriage to Valérie and explained that she had a very calm relationship with her. “With Val [Valérie Bègue, NDLR] we put our ego aside. Alice accepted it. This proves his strength of character, his intelligence. And that’s what made me fall even more in love with her. Sometimes Val comes by at 7:30 a.m. to wake up Jazz, have breakfast with her. And Alice takes it very well“, confided with great wisdom (and admiration for his new companion) the beautiful blond with ice blue eyes.

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