Camille Grenu (France Info) burgled in the middle of the morning, her reaction shocks the Web!

It’s a mishap that Camille Grenu would have done well without. This Saturday, January 1, 2022, thugs broke into her home while she was presenting her first morning of the year for France Info. On Twitter, the young woman spoke openly about this incident. Fortunately, her neighbor seems to have put a strain on the burglars. “Getting robbed in the morning on the first day of the year: check” she explained and to add: “Thank you, Thérèse, my adored little neighbor with more than 80 brooms, who went to save my dog ​​from the thieves’ nose and beard!”.

According to her statements, the burglars did not visit her son’s room. “Thank you to the thieves themselves for sparing my little boy’s room!”, she added on the Web.

In the turmoil, many Internet users sent him countless messages of support. “Disgusted, outraged and saddened by what happened to you. Admiring in front of your strength of character and your optimism Even if we do not know each other, know that I am bruised by what is happening to you (…) ”, said a user. “Sorry for you… it must be traumatic at the time, but everything will be fine quickly I hope”, added another. Attention that touched the main concerned.

“Thank you all for your kind words and wishes all day! I didn’t have time to answer them individually, but they gave me strength! “, underlined Camille Grenu on her social networks. Even in the face of adversity, the young woman keeps smiling. “In 2022: Against bad luck, good heart! F * ck the burglars who ransacked our house in the morning on January 1st, fuck bad luck, life is good and everything is fine! Good year !”, she concluded on her social networks.

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