Camille Gottlieb: Her half-brother Thomas is her spitting image!

They are two branches of the same family tree, there is no room for doubt. On Sunday, October 24, 2021, Camille Gottlieb, the daughter of Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, took advantage of a family moment to share a nice photograph as a souvenir. In this image, posted in her ephemeral stories, on Instagram, we see the young woman of 23 years with her half-brother Thomas. Same jaw, same nose, same blue eyes … the resemblance is striking (see slideshow).

Camille Gottlieb is the daughter that Princess Stéphanie had, in 1998, with Jean-Raymond Gottlieb, her former bodyguard. Being born out of wedlock, the youngest of the sovereign does not benefit from any title of nobility. As for his father, principal police commander, head of the DRI – the interior intelligence division of Monaco -, he then rebuilt his life with a certain Vanessa. From this union were born two children, Thomas and Maxime, who are therefore the half-brothers of Camille, herself being the half-sister of Pauline and Louis Ducret.

I am not sick

I wouldn’t trade my family for another for the world “, she explained in 2018 in the magazine Point of view. Lately, the members of the clan are struggling, however, to recognize Camille Gottlieb. New hairstyle, new color, new silhouette. After losing 14kg “because of a health concern“in 2019, the young woman continued this dizzying metamorphosis, without it being no longer linked to any worries.

I’m not sick, I just lost a lot of weight since last summer. I am very well“She assured via her Instagram account. Regardless of her appearance, and how she evolves through the ages, Camille Gottlieb remains, at the present time, the official double of her charming half-brother Thomas …

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