Camille Froment alone with her hospitalized daughter: she settles her accounts with Dadinho who has gone to do “the zouave”

Camille Froment had something to be worried about. Wednesday, November 24, the pretty blonde explained to have brought his daughter Zélyana (born in February 2021) to emergencies following a urinary tract infection. A situation that naturally caused him a lot of stress. “I’m too bad. I saw my daughter in too much pain, and she was crying in pain and I’m not used to it. It is going much better. Indeed, she does have an infection, I did well to be there“, she confided on Snapchat. Camille Froment may have been reassured, she was nonetheless very angry … against her companion and father of her daughter, rapper Dadinho.

And for good reason, the latter would not have shown great support while little Zélyana was taken care of at the hospital. “Normally, the role of a father and a mother is to be together at such times. But apparently his father has other interests which are more interesting than being with her daughter and her daughter’s mother at times like this. He prefers to go do the zouave, but hey each has his own priorities. It does not date from yesterday as they say. I’m just human and I think a father’s place is not to be outside to the right to the left, but rather with his daughter. If he doesn’t want to be with me it’s one thing, but with his daughter it’s another“, she reported in the story.

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