Camille Combal reveals why he will NEVER work with his wife Marie, journalist

Camille Combal arrived in Paris with the idea of ​​doing a one-man-show. If he has not realized this dream, at least not yet, the presenter of Mask Singer (TF1) has made a name for itself in the world of animation. On the radio as on television, he excels. And he was able to count on Dominique Farrugia, Denis Brogniart, Nikos Aliagas or even the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut to support him in his career. His wife Marie Treille Stefani She is also on television. The public can follow her in Well & Well, on France 2 on Saturday morning. Viewers would no doubt like to see the duo in the same program as well. But unfortunately that should never happen.

Interviewed by the magazine We both of March 29, Camille Combal let it be known that he was notunforeseen“that Marie Treille Stéfani and him work together.”Everyone evolves on their own. My parents were restaurateurs, they worked all their lives together, believe me, it’s not at all to be repeated. The fights at home continued at the restaurant and vice versajustified the animator of 40 years.

Their troubles will therefore remain at home. And he doesn’t hide it, they have it like in all couples. Asked by TVMagazine at the end of march, Camille Combal had revealed that one of his habits annoyed the beautiful Marie. “I’m passionate about politics, so I watch. My wife can’t take it anymore, because I fall asleep watching the news and I wake up listening to Franceinfo in the shower. My wife feels like I’m a government spokesperson, I’m so into the news“, he said. The fact that he does not participate in household chores or that his mobile phone is not on airplane mode at night can also be sources of frustration.

But whatever happens, their love is stronger than anything. A love that they formalized on July 12, 2019 by getting married in the south of France. And soon, they will expand their family since Marie Treille Stéfani is pregnant with their first child.

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