Camille Cerf demoralized by her weight gain: she finds a smile with her charming companion

We tend to forget it, but our lovely Miss France also have their moments of doubt and their complexes. Camille Cerf, for example, moved her entire community of fans by sharing being bad about herself lately after a recent weight gain, which she considers to be around 10-15 kilos. Thursday, June 23, the pretty blonde elected Miss France 2015 indeed delivered a strong message and no doubt shared by many people.

During a question / answer with her subscribers, she indeed confided in her body, which she sometimes finds difficult to accept: “It’s difficult because even if I advocate Body Positive and I find all the bodies very beautiful, I’m very hard on mine. And being one more Miss France on the networks is difficult. Because we compare ourselves to everyone all the time. I’ve gained quite a bit of weight lately (I’d say 10-15 kilos, I don’t weigh myself) because of the love, the stress and the fast pace . And then I don’t feel well. I do not recognize myself. Some see themselves bigger than they are and well me it’s the opposite. In everyday life, I feel super thin so it’s very difficult when I’m confronted with the reality of my image in photos or on TV. I don’t recognize myself and it weighs on me a lot. It’s a vicious circle because as I feel bad about myself, I compensate by comforting myself with food. I have a lot of work-related annoyances right now. I hope they will settle quickly so that I can finally feel better in my head and then in my body.”

An important message from a beauty queen who shows that for anyone, self-acceptance is not always obvious. Fortunately, the great friend of Iris Mittenaere had the opportunity to take her mind off things on Saturday June 25. Accompanied by her attractive companion Théo Fleury and her dog Roméo, the 27-year-old young woman had the privilege of going to the Longines Paris Eiffel Jumping at the Champ de Mars in Paris, a professional show jumping competition which spans 3 days. And the young woman appeared there particularly smiling, and more in love than ever. In the company of Virginie Coupérie-Eiffel and Josiane Gaude (deputy mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris), Camille had the honor of presenting the prize for the first round of the GCL to Julien Anquetin on Blood Diamond du Pont.

At the end of an incredibly intense competition, the Brazilian Marlon Modolo Zanotelli won the Longines Global Champions Tour de Paris on Saturday on the Champ de Mars, the most prestigious event of the Longines Global Champions Tour – Longines Paris Eiffel Jumping. The only French jump-off, Olivier Robert took a good sixth place.

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