Camilla Parker Bowles sinks into aesthetic madness… What she paid to please the English people!

It is not always easy to be an active member of the Firm… But for several years, Camilla Parker Bowles has been the pride of the British crown. Like Kate Middleton, the queen consort strives not to make any mistakes! For a long time, the wife of King Charles III was hated by the English people. And for good reason, then married to Diana Spencer, the son of Queen Elizabeth II never wanted to stop their romance.

Their extramarital relationship has for a long time been honored by the tabloid press… She also recorded the terrible descent into hell of the “Princess of Hearts”. Despite the scandals, Camilla Parker Bowles has been able to restore her image internationally. After her union with King Charles III, the main interested party ended up being accepted within the Windsors. A successful seduction operation with panache!

“An astronomical sum to redo the facade…”

At first, the stepmother of princes William and Harry orchestrated his incredible makeover. A choice that was very appreciated by her husband, according to the words of Bertrand Meyer-Stabley in his book “Majesty” published by Pygmalion editions. Prince Philip’s son reportedly had no “scruple to follow the recommendations of his communication experts and to push his mistress to improve her look to correspond to the standards required of a member of the royal family”, affirmed the expert of the crowned heads. In only ” six months “, Camilla Parker Bowles would have spent “an astronomical sum to redo the facade”. Not less than ten thousand pounds » (about 11,600 euros, editor’s note) “to realign and whiten teeth” for example.

In addition, the latter would also have had botox injections “in his wrinkles on his forehead”. But also “a series of peels and laser treatments to erase her crow’s feet and the lines around her mouth”. The queen consort also wanted to change her entire wardrobe. Indeed, Camille Parker Bowles would have lost “two sizes of clothing with the supervision of a renowned dietitian”. Finish the “rustic country boots and shapeless tweed trousers”. For all her official outings, Camille Parker Bowles only relies on luxurious “tailors” and “ bodycon dresses designed by Valentino » !


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