Camilla Parker-Bowles racist? His remarks on Archie which would have shocked Harry and Meghan Markle

It was a revelation that thrilled all viewers of their highly publicized interview with Oprah Winfrey: in March 2021, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle revealed that they had suffered racist attacks within the British royal family. Without revealing any names, the couple had explained that certain members had allowed themselves, in front of them, inappropriate comments on the skin color of their future baby, in particular.

Allegations which had caused a stir and which had forced some members to step out of their usual reserve to deny these accusations, which had nevertheless persisted with royal experts and the public, who had accused Princess Anne of being the author of the remarks . But a new book released recently and written by journalist Tom Bowers rather refers to Camilla Parker-Bowles, Prince Harry’s stepmother, who would have allowed very inappropriate remarks.

According to him, during a family discussion, the septuagenarian would have joked that the Sussex couple’s future baby would be “a redhead with an afro“. A joke that would not have passed on the side of Meghan Markle. If the palace did not officially speak, true to its motto Never Explain, Never Complainclose sources on the other hand said that it was all “anything“.

Already strained relations between them

A statement, in any case, which should not have arranged relations between Harry and Camilla Parker-Bowles: if the youngest son of Prince Charles got along rather well in his youth with his stepmother, it would seem, according to some experts that their relationship has run out of steam for a few years and that they are no longer close at all.

And the book does not stop there: according to the author who maintains that all his sources are reliable, the queen would indeed have been happy that Meghan Markle could not accompany her husband for the funeral of prince Philip in April 2021. Seven months pregnant with their daughter Lilibet, the American actress had indeed preferred to stay in the United States with their son, Archie, now three years old. An absence which had been talked about a lot in the media but which would have relieved Elizabeth II.

All these declarations should in any case not really please the detractors of the royal family, already very critical after the icy treatment received by the couple during the Jubilee: banned from the balcony during the Trooping The Color parade, he had not had the right to attend a ceremony at the church, where several members of the royal family had ostensibly avoided them.

Left on Sunday, they had not even waited for the end of the festivities to return to California but had taken the opportunity to present their little Archie (3 years old) and Lilibet (1 year old) to the sovereign. Two very discreet children that we have hardly ever seen in photos, by the way…

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