Camilla Parker-Bowles future queen consort: her reaction after the announcement of Elizabeth II

Camilla Parker-Bowles has reason to be happy. The Duchess of Cornwall, long considered the pet peeve of the British monarchy for her history with Prince Charles, has just been officially validated by Queen Elizabeth II. For her platinum jubilee – 70 years of reign – the Sovereign spoke in an official press release and made an invaluable gift to her daughter-in-law by discussing her future on the arm of Charles, the first heir to the throne. Elizabeth II has expressed her wish to see Camilla Parker-Bowles inherit the title of Queen Consort when her son becomes king. A priceless statement for the Duchess of Cornwall. On an official visit this Thursday, February 10, Prince Charles’ wife spoke for the first time about this event and her reaction was not long in coming: “I am very very honored and above all very touched” she said at the scene as reported by the Daily Mail.

It must be said that Camilla Parker-Bowles has come a long way and probably never thought she would have the Queen’s approval of her relationship with Prince Charles. The Duchess of Cornwall has long inherited pariah status within the monarchy. She had especially drawn the wrath of a whole people when her adulterous relationship with the son of the queen, then married to Princess Diana, was discovered. The British then judged her responsible for Lady Di’s misfortune, her divorce and the tragic end that life had in store for her.

Despite everything, Camilla Parker-Bowles has gradually made a place for herself within the royal family. Very discreet and irreproachable until her marriage to Prince Charles in 2005, the Duchess of Cornwall did not change her course knowing the fate she would sooner or later face with the coronation of her husband. Now, Camilla is a full member of the Windsor clan. If she will never have the place of second mother for William and Harry, it is clear that the queen considers her almost as her daughter now. And there is no doubt that in his eyes, it is worth all the gold in the world.

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