Cameron Diaz in love with Benji Madden: fiery declaration for their 7 years of marriage!

Actress Cameron Diaz, 49, and Benji Madden, 42, celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary this Friday. The musician posted a photo that is mysterious to say the least, but in the image of this discreet couple.

The actress, who distinguished herself in sulphurous roles in the cinema (Vanilla sky, Bad teacher) today leads a stable and fulfilling sentimental life. On Instagram Benji paid tribute to his companion through a moving text “7 years of marriage today. I have always dreamed of having a family like this. Happiness, peace, loyalty, balance with passion and sincerity. The real life. The only real challenge we have taken up is to slow down time because life goes so fast on the boulevard du temps. Cameron Diaz, happy birthday. I love you.

We understand better why the famous blonde of Mary at all cost fell in love with this romantic guitarist!

Benji’s brothers and friends were quick to respond to the post. “You are the best ever “and” true love always“commented respectively Joel and Josh Madden. From this love so strong was born their little daughter Raddix in 2020.

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