Video length: 2 min.
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For a year and a half, 170 video cameras have been installed in Caluire-et-Cuire, in the Rhône. They can in particular penalize the excessive speed of motorists and the non-wearing of seat belts.
Discreet cameras to track bad behavior at the wheel and punish infringements from a distance. Since 2008, more and more French cities have been equipped with video reporting systems. In Caluire-et-Cuire (Rhône), near Lyon, 170 cameras have been installed for a year and a half to monitor the streets live. “It pays off“, welcomes Philippe Cochet, the mayor of the town, Saturday, June 3.
“A drop in offenses”
“In sectors, where, for example, people systematically double parked or burned lights, we saw a drop in this type of offense“, explains the elected official. The list of offenses that can be punished remotely has continued to increase in recent years: non-compliance with signs, excessive speed, driving in a bus or taxi lane, non- wearing of seat belts, etc. In France, around a hundred cities have already opted for video reporting.