Camera in a Gatineau elementary school: the mother of the accused does not recognize her son

The mother of the 18-year-old who allegedly placed a camera in the bathroom of a Gatineau elementary school is completely in shock and finds it hard to believe that his “little mom’s guy” could have done such a thing .

• Read also – Hidden camera in the toilet of an elementary school: a former pupil of the school is arrested

• Read also – Worrying discovery of a hidden camera in the toilets of a Gatineau elementary school

“My son is a perfectly normal and intelligent child,” says the woman, whose name we will keep silent to avoid reprisals. “I can’t believe he did such a thing at all.”

Matthias Deschênes was formally charged Friday afternoon with attempted production of child pornography, voyeurism and breaking and entering at the Gatineau courthouse. He was released on conditions, including not going near a school or a public place where children might be.

The young man is a former pupil of the primary school l’Oiseau Bleu, where the camera was discovered Thursday around 10 a.m. He lives very close to the school, less than 700 meters away, and has no criminal record. He was arrested at his home on Thursday around 6 p.m., after having apparently discovered links between him and the camera.

Camera in a Gatineau elementary school: the mother of the accused does not recognize her son

Not a school employee

Deschênes has a college education and has a job, but it has no connection with elementary school.

“He’s an exemplary little guy with an exemplary mom, says his mother. He never behaved like that. He’s a super embarrassed little guy. I do not understand at all. He’s not my son. I am traumatized.”

She believes that another boy around her, who has a very bad reputation, could be behind this crime. So far, no other arrests have been made.

Hidden in the ceiling

The camera was discovered by a group of young girls who were in the bathroom in the morning. The device had been concealed in the ceiling above a toilet cubicle. The bathroom in question is on the second floor of the establishment and is mainly used by the older girls.

“At this time, there is no indication that the images that could have been recorded by the device have been viewed or shared by the suspect,” said agent Patrick Kenney, spokesperson for the Gatineau police.

“It’s disgusting”

If psychological support was deployed at the primary school on Friday, the parents of the pupils with whom The newspaper spoke are far from reassured.

“I’m angry and in shock,” said Steeve Corbin-Lalonde, whose 10-year-old girl is part of the group that discovered the camera. It’s disgusting, it lifts my heart to think that someone wants to watch this.

Investigators will try to determine how the young man was able to get inside the school, considering that all the doors are supposed to be locked.

“I don’t even understand how it could have happened,” said Vanessa Gunville, whose 7-year-old daughter attends the establishment. You have to go through the secretariat to get in and they have to identify you. You can’t walk around the school like that for fun, it’s safe.

Recall that a few weeks ago, a fire had started in another bathroom of this same school. The investigation had shown that the fire had been lit by two students. The police, however, confirm that the two events have no connection between them.

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