Camera, battery life, design … Does the iPhone 13 really outperform the iPhone 12?

Each year, a new iPhone arrives with its share of more or less significant improvements. Released in mid-September 2021, the Apple iPhone 13 intends to ride on the success of its predecessor, the iPhone 12. This had marked a break or rather a back-pedaling in terms of design compared to previous models, with the return of the “straight” edges inspired by the iPhone 4 and 5 models. Sold 100 million copies in seven months according to the firm Counterpoint Research (a record since the iPhone 6, marking the beginnings of 4G), the iPhone 12, a pioneer on 5G for Apple, was also the first “number” in the range to come in four copies.

The new kid also offers four versions: iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. Different sizes and prices ranging from 809 euros to 1839 euros. But what more do these latest generation iPhones offer that the 2020 range did not have? Franceinfo takes stock of improvements.

Main argument for buying a new smartphone for a large majority of users, the’iphone camera 13 a characteristics very similar to that of the iPhone 12. THEes two smartphones embark a cameramanwide angle and a ultra lens Big angle of 12 megapixels each. But the new arrangement of photo sensors on the latest iPhone and especially to the enlargement of their size allow the production of better quality shots. According to Apple, the sensor iPhone 13 and 13 mini are “47% larger” than that of the iPhone 12. Allowing more light to pass, it thus offers sharper images in low light. At nightfall, the shots are sharper and the lights “drool” much less.

To this, we must add a reworked night mode, new integrated retouching features and the appearance of the Sensor Shift, already present on the iPhone 12 Pro Max. This technology provides better image stability of the wide-angle sensor. On the other hand, on the ultra wide-angle and selfie side, there is no particular improvement. For its front camera, Apple has kept the same front photo module as on the iPhone 12.

On the Pro and Pro Max models, there are notable differences compared to the iPhone 13. The main sensor and that of the ultra wide angle are even larger for the pleasure of photo enthusiasts. In addition, both versions have a third lens like the previous iPhone Pro and Pro max. This 12-megapixel telephoto lens can capture a subject up to 2cm in sharp focus. Also, these editions “premium”Keep certain recipes that made the 12 Pro and Pro Max successful, with the LiDAR scanner (3D scanner used for augmented reality) or the possibility of taking photos in RAW format (larger files allowing photo editing without degrading the image). Finally, the little novelty is the arrival of night mode available on each sensor.

The night mode of the iPhone 13 takes a step forward in terms of sharpness and brightness.  (Anthony Jammot)

Heavier than the iPhone 12 by 10 grams on average, the iPhone 13 however benefits from a fairly significantly improved battery life compared to their predecessors. The new batteries built into the various iPhone 13s promise an additional 90 to 150 minutes of use, which is not negligible for those who use their iPhone to its maximum performance.

We compared the iPhone 12’s non-recharging “lifespan” over a day to that of the iPhone 13, with device brightness pushed to maximum, same notifications enabled, same call times, and of use (sending messages, web searches …). The iPhone 13 held the charge from 8 a.m. (100%) to 9 p.m. (1%) when the iPhone 12 was on the verge of extinction at 6:50 p.m. However, it is also necessary to take into account the natural wear and tear of our 2020 model. But the test undoubtedly reveals the progress of the new kid.

It has remained the hallmark of the brand since the iPhone X which marked the 10th anniversary of Apple smartphones. The notch at the top of the screen, which prevents it from being completely “edge to edge”, has been reduced compared to the iPhone 12, but it is still there. Much more prominent than most high-end models from competing manufacturers like Samsung or Oppo (which have been able to reduce them almost entirely), it is assumed and precisely by the Apple brand because of Face ID.

The speaker has, however, been refined and placed higher than on the iPhone, the notch carrying only the front camera and the face detection system which is defined as the most secure in the world. The space to the right of the notch is not large enough to display the battery percentage, however this reduction remains appreciable, while waiting for something better.

Apple has declined its iPhone 13 in five colors, one less than its previous model. Among those already present on the iPhone 12, we find red, white (starlight), black (midnight) and blue. Even if it is necessary to note slight retouching on their color, giving them a clearer and metallic appearance. On the other hand, the green copy is replaced by the pink one. Only mauve is (for the moment) by the wayside on this new range. As a reminder, the purple iPhone 12 arrived later on the market.

The iPhone 13 arrives with five colors to choose from: red ("Product RED"), White ("starlight"), black ("midnight"), blue and pink (APPLE)

With prices starting at 809 euros for the iPhone 13 mini 128 GB and going up to € 1,839 for the iPhone 13 Max Pro 1TB, the latest additions to the Apple family are not within the reach of all budgets. In addition, all iPhones are sold without a charger (note that in France, wired headphones are always present in the box of the smartphone unlike other countries).

For the classic and Pro model, it takes 909 euros and 1159 euros respectively for the 128 GB versions (i.e. the lowest storage capacities). By way of comparison, Samsung offers its Galaxy S21 + Ultra 5G (its most high-end model) at 1,099 euros for the 128 GB copy and at 1,279 euros for the 512 GB one.

Despite the few notable improvements, the prices of these new iPhones will therefore make people who want to change their phone think twice. High-end Android users and iPhone 12 Pro or 12 Pro Max owners have almost nothing to envy to the 13 and 13 mini models. Neither do iPhone 12 owners, as their phone is compatible with Apple’s latest operating system (iOS 15).

However, for those who have much older iPhones or who wish to acquire them, the iPhone 13 undoubtedly constitutes, by its improved autonomy and camera and its impeccable design, an undisputed new benchmark in the smartphone market.

The iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max are the more expensive versions.  They cost respectively € 1159 and € 1259 for the cheapest models.  (APPLE)

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