Calms you !

We are in a period of holidays, a period when we buy gifts, a period of frenzy … And the calm in all that?

Well, I suggest you try, if you wish, to regain your calm with a formidable tool: our breathing.

Our breath is there all the time and can help us refocus things.

Exactly ! Do you lend to the game? I invite you to bring your attention to your breath and to let yourself go to observe what you feel, there now, when you breathe… Breathe quietly and feel for example, the passage of the air in your nose. If you have the mask in front of your mouth and nose, then you will find that the air you breathe in is hot, as hot as when it comes out. But when we are not wearing the mask, we can clearly see the temperature difference between inhaling, a little cooler than exhaling, since the air that is evacuated comes out at the temperature of our body. You may start to pay attention to your breath, realize that you have a stuffy nose, or not …

The idea is to feel its inspiration, its expiration?

Yes because we are really going to be present at this rhythm which is done in an incessant way, a little like that of the waves of the sea and the more we are focused on our breath, the more we will be present to ourselves, the more we will calm down … We will perceive the movement of our chest, our stomach which is raised and lowered, without ever trying to control this rhythm. It is simply a matter of being present to your sensations, to what you feel in a very personal way.

Are we going to listen to each other? We listen to each other, we listen to each other breathe …

We try to be at one with our breath and that’s what will calm us down. And moreover, you can mentally pronounce a sentence of the type: “my breathing calms down and I calm down more and more …”

Are we getting ready to be more zen?

More zen, calmer and it’s really by using our breathing, by becoming one with our breath, by stalling on this pendulum rhythm that as we go along we will let ourselves be lulled by our own breath

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