calls for restraint in the Middle East


Video duration:
1 minute

France info

Article written by

franceinfo – N. Boubetra, V. Poulain

France Televisions

The international community is trying to avoid the escalation of the conflict between Hamas and Israel. France has asked Lebanon and Iran to stay out of the conflict while Saudi Arabia has announced that it is suspending the normalization process initiated with Israel. The United States calls on China to use its influence.

Israeli soldiers awaiting orders to launch the incursion into the Gaza Strip. On the other side of the border: civilians fleeing towards the south of the Palestinian enclave. To avoid a bloodbath, diplomacy is activated. The US Secretary of State is touring the region. Stopover in Saudi Arabia, which has suspended negotiations on normalization with Israel. From Riyadh, Antony Blinken called on his Israeli ally to protect civilians, the same observation for Faisal Bion Farhan Al Saud, his Saudi counterpart.

A European summit planned for next week

While the head of French diplomacy is in Israel to express France’s solidarity, Emmanuel Macron urges Cairo and Tel Aviv to open a humanitarian corridor via Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, on the Egyptian border. In this context, the head of European diplomacy is visiting China, he relaunched with his counterpart the idea of ​​a resolution to this conflict. To avoid a regional escalation of the war, a summit of leaders of the 27 countries of the European Union is planned for Tuesday October 17.

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