CALL FOR TESTIMONIALS. Were you the victim of school bullying when you were a student? tell us wishes to give a voice to former students who were harassed during their schooling.


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In a high school in Nogent-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne), in the Paris region, June 15, 2023. (EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP)

In France, at least one child in ten has been the victim of harassment during their schooling, according to figures from different associations. To fight against this scourge, the government announced, on Wednesday September 27, a series of new measures, from the questionnaire to free the speech of those being harassed to the banning of social networks for harassers. An awareness campaign aimed at adults will also be launched on November 9 in order to no longer minimize the words of children. This return to school was in fact marked by the suicide of young Nicolas, aged 15, in Poissy (Yvelines).

>> School harassment: alerts “have increased threefold” since the start of the school year, says Gabriel Attal

The editorial team wishes to give voice to former harassed students, who, even if they retain scars from this episode, can deliver a message of hope to students currently concerned. When and how were you targeted by your comrades? Did you realize from the start that you were the victim of harassment? What was your way out?

We are interested in your testimony and you can answer our questions in the form below. Your responses will be consulted in the coming days by our journalists. They will remain confidential and no publication concerning you will take place without your consent. Anonymity is also possible. The testimonies that catch our attention will result in direct contact.

Are you a victim of cyberbullying? Have you witnessed a situation of school bullying? If you need direct help, or are worried about a loved one, free and confidential telephone numbers have been set up to answer your questions: 3020 (dedicated to harassment) and 3018 (dedicated to cyberharassment).

You can also contact the management or a member of the educational team of the establishment in which a case of harassment is detected. Finally, you will find a lot of information on how to react on the website of the Ministry of National Education.

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