CALL FOR EVIDENCE. Faced with the high cost of housing, did you go back to live with your parents? tell us

One in ten people return to live with their parents after a first move, according to a study. In question: the difficulties in finding accommodation and the increase in the number of precarious contracts.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Back home. A first departure from the parental home in ten turns out to be temporary, according to a note from the Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications (Cereq) published in December 2021. This phenomenon is by no means marginal and is even on the increase. Thus, young people who left training in 2010 and who subsequently left the parental home are 1.4 times more likely to live with their parents again than those who left in 1998, the researchers point out. In question: the difficulties in finding accommodation and the increase in the number of precarious contracts. So, if you came back to live with your parents after leaving the parental home for the first time because of the cost of housing, tell us about your experience.

You can write to franceinfo by answering the questionnaire below. Don’t forget to leave us your contact details, so that our journalists can possibly call you back. These will of course remain confidential.

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