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In California, United States, temperatures remain very high, sometimes exceeding 50°C. Unbearable heat, including for the electricity network.
How high will the furnace climb? Between scorching sun and fires, the American West is stunned by a heat wave in early September. In Death Valley, California (USA), the thermometer even rises to 52°C. However accustomed, the inhabitants support these conditions more and more badly and come to take refuge in air-conditioned centers. With such an atmosphere, it only takes a trifle for the fires to redouble in violence.
An infernal vicious circle is set up. The hotter it is, the more the air conditioning units run at full speed, and the more electricity is lacking. To the point that California, which nevertheless wants to be at the peak of green energies, asked drivers of electric cars not to charge their vehicles between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. In this race against time, massive investments will be needed to solve energy problems, without worsening the climate situation.