California ravaged by megafire


Video length: 1 min

Fires: California ravaged by megafire
Fires: California ravaged by megafire

Since Wednesday, July 24, the western American state has been facing a megafire for the first time this year. This devastating fire has already reduced more than 500 square kilometers of vegetation to ashes.

For the first time in 2024, a megafire broke out in California on Wednesday, July 24. Firefighters are battling this already devastating blaze, which has already ravaged more than 500 square kilometerss of vegetation. Trees are charred, houses are engulfed in flames and a thick cloud of smoke darkens the horizon. The fire has quickly spread and is now threatening towns just a few miles from San Francisco.

Authorities say the fire was caused by arson. A suspect was arrested Thursday. The man, in his 40s, is believed to have started the massive blaze by burning a vehicle. The 1,150 firefighters have so far contained only 3 percent of the blaze. 134 buildings have already gone up in smoke and more than 4,000 people have been evacuated.

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