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He is a kind of great witness to the daily life of migrants. Thanks to his photos, Abdul Saboor documents the life of the exiles, the camps, their attempts to cross to England. An Afghan refugee, he himself experienced this harsh reality before obtaining the right of asylum in France.
In the morning, on the beach of Wimereux, in Pas-de-Calais, it’s a scene that has become almost ordinary. 25 migrants board a zodiac, hoping to reach the British coast. They deploy their last strength to hoist themselves on their makeshift boat. Among the passengers, a little girl terrified by the crossing, exhausted by weeks of wandering. Very close to the boat, feet in the water, a young photographer captures this departure into the unknown.
Her name : Abdul Saboor. His mission : tell this human tragedy that is played out every morning at our borders. “It’s too dangerous, you saw, there was even a child. She was so scared “, he said. If he chose this fight, it is because he himself is an exile. In Afghanistan it worked for NATO, before deciding to flee, targeted by the Taliban. One day in Serbia, a volunteer gives him a camera, and gives birth to his vocation. The photographer is currently exhibiting his prints at the Artists in Exile workshop in Paris.