CA Brive full-back Aaron Grandidier is taking part in the Sevens Rugby World Cup this weekend

Since 2019, Aaron Grandidier has been part of this France Sevens team, whether in Development or in the “premium” team, notably during HBSC World Sevens tournaments. From this long period, il keeps the memory of the podium in Toulouse but also of the last tournament which took place in Los Angeles. “It was not the first time I went to this city, but it was my first tournament. The experience was great, explains the young player of 22 years, even if we missed the quarter-finals by two points”.

In the group, he has made a place for himself now, to the point of knowing some guys for quite a long time. “We spend a lot of time together, traveling, meals, training. We are 13-14 from, and therefore we know each other a little more personally. We form much stronger, more intimate connections.” This obviously promotes progress in rugby. “We play a lot in the collective, whether in our tries or in defence. Life off the pitch allows us to be like that on the pitch”.

A pride to wear the blue jersey

Already the author of 13 or 14 essays, Aaron Grandidier remains humble. However, it has improved a lot since 2019. “Yes, I have progressed in the basics of rugby, he replies, but he adds, “I think I grew up too. Understanding how to manage jet lag, sometimes mood disorders because you’re tired...manage your emotions….it allowed me to grow, he concludes. As for the pride of wearing the blue jersey, the young player born in London thinks about it “always”. “This is a real pride to wear it for my club in Brive but also for my family. I don’t take it lightly.”

Aaron Grandidier has not yet had the expected playing time to show his talents with Brive, apart from a Challenge Cup match in December 2020. He has already signed his pro contract and is linked until 2024 with the Corrèze club. And he assures him, we will see him in Brive before the end of the season.

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