“C dans l’air” launches into the presidential campaign

The daily decryption program on France 5 arrives in prime time for four consecutive Sundays, with the main candidates for the election.

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In 20 years of existence, “C dans l’air” had never welcomed political guests. The France 5 program switches to presidential election mode from Sunday January 23 at 8:55 p.m., for four special broadcasts, where the main candidates will come in turn. “We mixed the codes of ‘C in the air’ with the codes of the presidential election: there will be our experts, reports, questions from viewers and a guest, that’s a first. But we deal with a lot of politics on the show” explains its presenter Caroline Roux, also at the head of France 2’s morning political interview “The 4 truths”. Unlike other political meetings, “C dans l’air” will question its guests only on the international scene.

“I’m sure the international interests the French, just look at our audiences when we talk about Ukraine or Boris Johnson.”

Caroline Roux

on franceinfo

“Since August, it has been a program on Afghanistan that has made the best figure, continues Caroline Roux. The idea for the show came to me while reading François Hollande’s book ‘Fronter’ where he explains that 80% of the time of a head of state is foreign policy. And I thought it was crazy, we never talk to them about it!

Eric Zemmour and Yannick Jadot will be the first guests. Will follow, in an as yet undefined order, Marine Le Pen, Valérie Pécresse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Anne Hidalgo, Christiane Taubira. Emanuel Macron? “We launched the invitation, but since he is not yet an official candidate…”

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