By realizing the dream of 650 sick children, wrestler John Cena breaks a unique record

It’s an unexpected record that he didn’t get in a ring, nor did he specifically seek to win, but the Guinness Book has just approved it all the same. John Cena, 45 years old, 1m90 for 110kg, thirteen times winner of the WWE championship, three times world heavyweight champion, five times United States champion, actor also in a dozen films, rapper… in short, a huge American wrestling star for twenty years. But since 2002, he has given himself another mission, more discreet: that of helping relatives of sick children by regularly fulfilling the wishes expressed on the website of the Make a Wish association. And it is this record that the Guinness has just approved: that of having realized the most “dreams” of children.

On this site, all children from 2 to 18 years old suffering from serious illness, cancer, myopathies, or awaiting transplants can write a wish. It goes from “I dream of seeing a unicorn” at “I dream of going to the sea“. But there is also often “I dream of meeting such and such a personality“. And that’s where John Cena was able to do something, in this case answer “yes” to all the children. In total, in twenty years, he therefore brought to his fights 650 children, boys, girls , of all ages, all nationalities. He lent them his championship belts, he spent whole days with some, got others into the ring. Sometimes, too, he went to the hospital and the champion to say that hejust do your part“.

His part“, he did it more than any other celebrity claimed by children. And that counts. This is what the doctors of the association say: the exchange gives strength to young patients, the strength to fight, to resist. It also relieves the families who understand that they are not alone and can see the effect of the meeting on the state of the child at the time and in the days that follow, the joy, the smile, the certainty that anything is possible.Obviously, this record will not be on John Cena’s list, but it is perhaps the one that has the most real, concrete, vital impact.

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