By exposing Father Fouras, he puts internet users on fire!

As in all religions, mysteries are not made to be revealed. The faithful of one of the flagship programs of France 2 are therefore not close to forgiving Yoann his blunder, very involuntary. In their idolatrous eyes, the sympathetic and very enthusiastic journalist of the chain The Team has indeed committed a sacrilegious act, this Saturday August 13, by revealing the true face of the revered Father Fouras, incarnate wisdom reigning over the Fort in which celebrities have fun eating worms or confronting tigers. Assumed groupie of the game of France 2he was however so happy to participate for the first time in this program alongside Jean-Luc Lemoine, Carinne Teyssandier, Karima Charni, Pierre-Antoine Damecour and Rebecca Hampton, for the benefit of the association Nourettewhich comes to the aid of sick children.

Playing the role of “cursed candidate” at the start of the show, Yoann managed to break this bad spell by answering a riddle… from Father Fouras. And once the cameras were off, he couldn’t resist visiting his hero in his dressing room. To his great surprise, the latter no longer wore a beard and, once cleansed, had once again become the actor Yann Le Gac, who has played this role since 1991. Delighted, the journalist could not resist the urge to immortalize this meeting before immediately posting his souvenir snapshot on social networks, accompanying him with comments full of praise “I cherish this photo which touches me a lot”explaining that he had “the incredible privilege” of meeting a man in “extraordinary intelligence” and to “disarming humanity”.

The unfortunate did not imagine the outcry triggered by this post. Internet users were indeed unleashed against him: “You just killed a game. My son believed in it”, “Father Fouras is not Father Fouras? My childhood was thrown in the trash!”, “So much for Santa Claus, it didn’t matter to me ; as much as I am shocked to learn that Father Fouras is not 300 years old”. Yoann Riou tried to defend himself by responding to his vengeful tweets “His face has been known for a very long time, I would never have allowed myself otherwise”, it was too late. The damage was done!

See also: Stéphane Bern devastated: a few months after his father, he loses a new pillar of his family and not the least…


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