by abstaining, the RN deputies “added hypocrisy to dishonor”, ​​criticizes Clément Beaune


Video length: 9 min

Vote on support for Ukraine: by abstaining, RN deputies “added hypocrisy to dishonor”, criticizes Renaissance deputy Clément Beaune

Vote on support for Ukraine: by abstaining, RN deputies “added hypocrisy to dishonor”, criticizes Renaissance deputy Clément Beaune

(France 2)

Clément Beaune, Renaissance deputy for Paris, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday March 13.

Called to vote, Tuesday March 12, on the bilateral security agreement signed on February 16 between France and Ukraine, the deputies largely supported the text, during a non-binding vote. There were 372 votes “for”, 99 votes “against” and 101 abstentions. The deputies of La France insoumise (LFI) and their communist colleagues unanimously opposed the text, while the elected representatives of the National Rally (RN) all abstained. A text which will also be debated in the Senate on Wednesday, before another symbolic vote is held.

Clément Beaune was present at the National Assembly during the debates. Guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Wednesday, the Renaissance deputy from Paris discusses “a moment of clarity and unity”holding that“a large majority” supported the agreement. A “broad support” granted “not only” by the presidential majority, but also by socialists, environmentalists and Republican elected officials, he underlines. Returning to LFI’s opposition to the text, Clément Beaune believes that “It’s not a complete surprise.”. The Renaissance deputy affirms that the rebels “have always been, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, nostalgic for the USSR and totally pro-Putin”.

The RN, a “party of nothing”

Concerning the abstention of elected representatives of the RN, “it’s almost worse, because they added hypocrisy to dishonor”says Clément Beaune. “Abstaining on a matter that affects war, the security of the country and Europe, I think it is very serious”, he laments. MP Renaissance believes that this “show the truth” about the RN, namely that it is “a party, today, of nothing, of no vagueness, of emptiness”because its elected officials “are so afraid of saying something that could upset good polls, popularity, etc., that they don’t want to say anything”.

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