butcher and charcuterie du Center in Cabestany

Etienne and Danielle, Aurélie’s grandparents were chevliers in the slaughterhouses of Perpignan. Michel, his dad, was their delivery man. In 1991, the latter set up his business, the Center butcher’s shop in Cabestany (the Facebook page). When he fell ill, Aurélie immediately decided to help him. It was Labor Day, May 1, 2019.

And for the sausage presented in the championship, Aurélie has not changed anything. “It’s my father’s seasoning, but my arms made it”, she points out. “Pyrénéus” pork, a fine salt-pepper balance, “I kept everything with pleasure”.

Aurélie’s pleasure is felt in the tradition she continues

Trained as a cook, Aurélie opened a bar-restaurant in 2016 right next to the butcher’s shop. She now juggles between the two establishments. “Charcuterie is also cooking. I make good products there that I also eat”, she jokes. So okay, she doesn’t have a CAP, but she assures us: “I dismantle the pigs anyway!”

The sausage presented in the competition is one thing, but the traditional Catalan black pudding and the whip make it just as proud. At the Centre’s butcher’s shop, tradition dictates that each child who accompanies their parents or grandparents to the races leaves with their piece of whip to taste. Parents and their children were entitled to it. Now it is the grandchildren who benefit. And strangely, no one is reluctant to come with mom or dad to do the shopping.

The Creus family and their team: Thierry Naudo butcher butcher, Sebastien Liner butcher butcher and Gildas soon in apprenticeship
The Creus family and their team: Thierry Naudo butcher butcher, Sebastien Liner butcher butcher and Gildas soon in apprenticeship

A party open to all in partnership with France Bleu Roussillon

Organized by the Catalan Saucisse Club (Facebook page), the championship final will take place on Sunday June 5 at Parc de Clairfont in Toulouges. The eight finalist sausages will be cooked by heads of the department. Local wines and beers will accompany the meal to the sounds of bandas among others.
– 9:30 a.m. -> 11:30 a.m.: Election of the best Catalan sausage / event reserved for Club members.
– From 11 a.m. -> Doors open for all and launch of the festivities
– From 3 p.m. -> Prize giving & concert
– Admission: 5 euros for non-members

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